
This is VOA News. Reporting by remote, I'm Joe Ramsey.


Air raid sirens in Ukraine's capital Tuesday as Russia warned Kyiv residents to flee their homes and rained rockets on the city of Kharkiv as Russian commanders intensified their bombardment of Ukrainian urban areas in a shift of tactics after their six-day assault stalled.


Speaking in a heavily guarded government compound in Kyiv, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Russia must first stop bombing people before peace talks can make any headway.


In a joint interview with Reuters and CNN, Zelenskyy also urged NATO members to impose a no-fly zone to stop Russia's air force, something the military alliance has ruled out.


"...first of all. You, everybody has to stop, stop fighting and to go to that point from where it, it was beginning, yes, began 5, 6, today, 6, 6 days ago, I think they are principle things. You can do it. And that is very important moment. If you do this and if those side is ready, it means that they are ready for this. If they don't ready, it means that you're just, you know, just wasting time."


"And do you think you're wasting your time, or do you think they're ready?"


"We'll see."


As Zelenskyy spoke, news came that a Russian missile had struck a TV tower near a Holocaust memorial site in Kyiv, killing five people.


Zelenskyy, who also spoke by phone for 30 minutes with U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday, said the artillery barrages in Kharkiv amounted to what he called "state terrorism."


This is VOA News.

