美国有线新闻 CNN 2022年美国中期选举预览(在线收听) |
We are less than eight months away from the U.S. midterm elections of 2022. 距离2022年美国中期选举还有不到8个月的时间. In the House of Representatives where all the voting members are elected every two years, there are currently 222 Democrats, 211 Republicans, and two vacant seats. 在所有投票成员每两年选举一次的众议院,目前有222名民主党人,211名共和党人,和2个空缺席位. U.S. senators serve six-year terms. 美国参议员任期为6年. About a third of these seats are elected every two years. 大约三分之一的席位每两年选举一次. And in that chamber, there are currently 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats. 在参议院中,目前有50名共和党人和50名民主党人. Technically, two of the Democrat seats are held by independents but they vote with the Democrats. 严格来讲,民主党的两个席位是由独立人士占据的,但他们与民主党人一起投票. So, 50 Democratic votes when things go down party lines. 所以,50张民主党的选票是根据党派划分的. The midterm elections could significantly change the make-ups of these two chambers, so you can expect to see a lot of coverage in the months ahead in national media. 中期选举可能会极大地改变这两个议院的组成,所以你可以期待在未来几个月看到全国媒体的大量报道. But a lot of the action on November 8th goes well beyond the U.S. Congress. 但11月8日的许多行动远远超出了美国国会的范围. The capitals of Arkansas, Florida, New Jersey, West Virginia, they're among those holding mayoral races. 阿肯色州、佛罗里达州、新泽西州和西弗吉尼亚州的首府都在举行市长竞选. Plus, there are dozens of gubernatorial races, local races. 此外,还有几十个州长竞选和地方竞选. We'll let CNN 10 contributor Rachel Janfaza take it from here. 我们将让CNN 10频道的嘉宾瑞秋·简法扎为您报道. Every two years in the United States, voters go to the polls and while Americans aren't picking a president this November, there are a number of high-profile seats on the ballot. 在美国,每两年,选民们都会去投票,虽然美国人不会在今年11月选出总统,但选票上还是会有一些备受瞩目的席位. The elections in the middle of a president's term are called the midterm elections. 总统任期中期的选举被称为中期选举. Many refer to these as a referendum on the president and their administration. 许多人认为这是对总统及其政府的公投. These elections give voters a chance to weigh in on what's happening both in their home communities and on Capitol Hill. 这些选举给了选民一个机会,让他们了解自己所在社区和国会山的情况. In 2022, all 435 House seats and 34 of the 100 Senate seats are up for grabs, and 36 out of 50 states will elect governors. 2022年,435个众议院席位和100个参议院席位中的34个席位都可以争夺,50个州中有36个州将选举州长. There are also statewide races for secretary of state and attorney general, as well as city-wide races for mayor in cities such as Los Angeles, California, Austin, Texas, and Washington, D.C. 有全州范围的国务卿和司法部长竞选,也有如加州的洛杉矶、德克萨斯州的奥斯汀和华盛顿特区等全市范围的市长竞选. And there are down ballot races for state legislature seats, city councils, and school boards across the country too. 再往下,也有全国各地的州议会席位、市议会和学校董事会的选票竞选. Historically, elections halfway through a president's term don't bode well for the president's party. 从历史上看,总统任期中途举行选举对其政党来说不是好兆头. In this century since voters began electing U.S. senators, the president's party has only gained seats in either the Senate or the House a handful of time and only in both chambers twice. 本世纪以来,选民开始选举美国参议员,总统的政党只在参议院或众议院中获得过几次席位,在参众两院也只获得过两次席位. At stake is the battle for control of the House and Senate. 众议院和参议院的控制权之争正处于紧要关头. The Democrats majority in Congress is razor-thin. 民主党在国会的多数席位少得可怜. The Senate is a 50-50 split, with Vice President Kamala Harris's tie-breaking vote giving them the advantage and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's control of the House rests on a single-digit margin. 参议院目前的票数是一半对一半,副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯的投票打破僵局,使民主党获得优势,而议长南希·佩洛西对众议院的控制以个位数的优势得以维持. Typically, the midterm elections have lower turnout than presidential election years,通常,中期选举的投票率低于总统选举年, but in 2018, the last midterm elections on the books, there was historic voter turnout especially among younger voters. 但在2018年,也就是有记载的上次中期选举中,选民投票率达到了历史最高水平,尤其是年轻选民. |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/cnn2022/544404.html |