美文串记考研词汇 献给敬爱的母亲(2)(在线收听) |
When you were 25 years old, she was busy decorating the house with colorful ornaments, reckoning on the date of you wedding. You thanked her by asserting to her holding your slim (slender) bride, "we are to be on a global tour wedding." 你25岁时,她忙着用多彩的饰品为你们装饰房间,盼望着你的婚礼。你却带着你千娇百媚的妻,声称你们要以环球旅游的方式结婚。 When you were 30 years old, you became a competent editor of Eastern Literature, busy with revising sequences of scripts every day. She was worried, asking you to rest besides work. You thanked her by moaning, "you can't realize the tense competition in media circle." 你30岁时,成了《东方文学》杂志出色的编辑,每日忙于创作或修改接二连三的稿件,她担心你,嘱咐你工作之余注意休息。你却埋怨道:“你不知道传媒行业的激烈竞争。” When you were 35 years old, you divorced unfortunately. She came to you, tending to your daughter and doing housework at home. You thanked her by being drunk every night, smoking tobacco (cigar) one after another in the living-room. 你35岁时,不幸离婚了。她来你家帮你照顾女儿,料理家务。 你却夜夜喝醉,在客厅里一根接一根地抽烟。 When you were 40 years old, you gained recovery from gloomy feelings gradually and became a well-known fiction author. She gave her genuine congratulations to you. You thanked her by trying to convince her to live with you, but she declined(refused). 你40岁时,渐渐从失意中走了出来,成了知名的小说家。她对你表示由衷的祝贺。你邀请她跟你一块住,她谢绝了。 When you were 45 years old, with the oxygen mask, she was taken away by an ambulance due to an acute epidemic. You thanked her by thinking she actually shouldn't fall ill at the crisis of your career. 你45岁时,她因感染急性流行病,带着氧气面罩被救护车拉走了。你却心里想,她真不该在你事业的关键时刻生病。 Then one day in autumn, she quietly died for tumor of lung tissue. 后来有一个秋天,因患肺部肿瘤她悄悄地走了。 In front of her ashes, you looked through your sometime albums, and the fragments of your life came into illusion; an infant, a youngster and a mature man in the end. Suddenly you perceived that there was no substitute for mother. Though sometimes she might think awkwardly or might not consent to your opinions, she was still your mother! All that she did was for the welfare of you. 面对她的骨灰,你慢慢翻看以前的相册,成长的点点滴滴历历在目:从婴儿,到青年,到现在。你突然间意识到,母亲是不可代替的。尽管有时候,她的想法很奇怪,尽管有时你们达成一致,但她始终是母亲,她所做的一切都是为了你的幸福。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/mwcjkych/545513.html |