英国卫报:此时蜜糖,彼时砒霜(7)(在线收听) |
The more we use these substances, the less dopamine we produce naturally in the brain. 我们越使用这些物质,大脑自然产生的多巴胺就越少。 The result is that we need more of the drug to get the same pleasurable response, while natural pleasures, such as sex and eating, please us less and less. 结果是,我们需要更多的药物来获得同样的愉悦反应,而自然的愉悦,如性和饮食,就会越来越不讨喜。 There is little doubt that sugar can allay the physical craving for alcohol, the neurologist James Leonard Corning observed over a century ago. “毫无疑问,糖可以减轻身体对酒精的渴望,”神经学家詹姆斯·伦纳德·康宁在一个多世纪前观察到。 The 12-step bible of Alcoholics Anonymous recommends the consumption of sweets and chocolate in lieu of alcohol when the cravings for drink arise. 匿名戒酒协会的12步圣经建议,想喝酒的时候可以用糖果和巧克力来代替酒精。 Indeed, the per capita consumption of sweets in the US doubled with the beginning of prohibition in 1919, as Americans apparently turned en masse from alcohol to sweets. 事实上,美国人的人均糖消费量在1919年禁酒令开始时翻了一番,因为美国人显然都从酒转向了糖。 Sugar and sweets inexorably came to saturate our diets as the annual global production of sugar increased exponentially. 随着全球糖的年产量呈指数级增长,糖和甜食不可避免地占据了我们的饮食。 By the early 20th century, sugar had assimilated itself into all aspects of our eating experience, and was being consumed during breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. 到20世纪早期,糖已经融入了我们饮食的方方面面,我们在早餐、午餐、晚餐和零食中都在消耗糖。 Nutritional authorities were already suggesting what appeared to be obvious: 营养权威们提出了一个似乎显而易见的观点: that this increased consumption was a product of at least a kind of addiction – "the development of the sugar appetite, which, like any other appetite – for instance, the liquor appetite – grows by gratification". 对糖的消费的增加至少就是上瘾的一种表现——“对糖的胃口的增加,就像对其他食物的胃口一样——比如对酒的胃口——是由于满足而增长的。” A century later still, sugar has become an ingredient in prepared and packaged foods so ubiquitous it can only be avoided by concerted and determined effort. 一个世纪后,糖已经成为现成食品和包装食品中的一种食材,它的使用如此普遍,只有齐心协力、坚定努力才能戒掉。 There is sugar not just in the obvious sweet foods – cookies, ice creams, chocolates, fizzy drinks, sodas, sports and energy drinks, sweetened iced tea, jams, jellies and breakfast cereals – but also in peanut butter, 糖不仅用于很甜的甜食中——饼干、冰淇淋、巧克力、碳酸饮料、苏打水、运动和能量饮料、甜冰茶、果酱、果冻和早餐麦片——还可用于花生酱、 salad dressing, ketchup, barbecue sauces, canned soups, processed meats, bacon, hot dogs, crisps, roasted peanuts, pasta sauces, tinned tomatoes and breads. 沙拉酱、番茄酱、烧烤酱、罐头汤、加工肉类、培根、热狗、薯片、烤花生、意大利面酱、罐装番茄和面包。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/ygwb/547308.html |