英国卫报:60年来的气候变化警告:那些被忽视的迹象(1)(在线收听) |
Sixty years of climate change warnings: the signs that were missed (and ignored) 60年来的气候变化警告:那些被错过(和忽视)的迹象 The effects of ‘weird weather’ were already being felt in the 1960s, but scientists linking fossil fuels with climate change were dismissed as prophets of doom 在20世纪60年代,人们已经感受到了 “异常天气”的影响,但将化石燃料与气候变化联系起来的科学家却被视为厄运的预言家。 In August 1974, the CIA produced a study on “climatological research as it pertains to intelligence problems”. 1974年8月,中央情报局制作了一份关于“与情报问题有关的气候学研究”的研究。 The diagnosis was dramatic. 该研究所下的结论是非常戏剧性的。 It warned of the emergence of a new era of weird weather, leading to political unrest and mass migration (which, in turn, would cause more unrest). 它警告说,一个新的异常天气时代的出现,将导致政治动荡和大规模移民(反过来,这又会导致更多的动荡)。 The new era the agency imagined wasn’t necessarily one of hotter temperatures; the CIA had heard from scientists warning of global cooling as well as warming. 该机构想象的新时代不一定是温度升高的时代;中情局从科学家那里听到了全球降温和升温的警告。 But the direction in which the thermometer was travelling wasn’t their immediate concern; it was the political impact. 但温度的化并不是他们最关心的问题,他们关心的是政治影响。 They knew that the so-called “little ice age”, a series of cold snaps between, roughly, 1350 and 1850, had brought not only drought and famine, but also war – and so could these new climatic changes. 他们知道,所谓的“小冰期”,即大约在1350年至1850年之间的一系列寒流,不仅带来了干旱和饥荒,而且还带来了战争--这些新的气候变化也会带来战争。 “The climate change began in 1960,” the report’s first page informs us, “but no one, including the climatologists, recognised it.” 气候变化始于1960年,报告的第一页就表明了这点,但没有人认识到了这一点,包括气候学家。 Crop failures in the Soviet Union and India in the early 1960s had been attributed to standard unlucky weather. 20世纪60年代初,苏联和印度的作物歉收被归咎于典型的气候不佳。 The US shipped grain to India and the Soviets killed off livestock to eat, “and premier Nikita Khrushchev was quietly deposed”. 美国向印度运送粮食,而苏联人杀了牲畜来吃,“总理尼基塔-赫鲁晓夫被悄悄地废黜”。 But, the report argued, the world ignored this warning, as the global population continued to grow and states made massive investments in energy, technology and medicine. 但是,报告认为,世界忽略了这一警告,因为全球人口继续增长,各国在能源、技术和医药方面进行了大量投资。 Meanwhile, the weird weather rolled on, shifting to a collection of west African countries just below the Sahara. 与此同时,怪异的天气继续频发,转移到了撒哈拉沙漠附近的多个西非国家。 People in Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad “became the first victims of the climate change”, the report argued, but their suffering was masked by other struggles – or the richer parts of the world simply weren’t paying attention. 报告认为,毛里塔尼亚、塞内加尔、马里、布基纳法索、尼日尔和乍得的人民 “成为气候变化的第一批受害者”,但他们的痛苦被其他斗争所掩盖--或者世界上较富裕的地区根本没有注意到。 As the effects of climate change started to spread to other parts of the world, the early 1970s saw reports of droughts, crop failures and floods from Burma, Pakistan, North Korea, Costa Rica, Honduras, Japan, Manila, Ecuador, USSR, China, India and the US. 随着气候变化的影响开始蔓延到世界其他地区,20世纪70年代初,缅甸、巴基斯坦、朝鲜、哥斯达黎加、洪都拉斯、日本、马尼拉、厄瓜多尔、苏联、中国、印度和美国都有关于干旱、作物歉收和洪水的报告。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/ygwb/547742.html |