华尔街的赚钱经 马云谈创业(3)(在线收听

When I graduated, I was the only one of 500 students assigned to teach at a university. My pay was 100 to 120 yuan(RMB), which is like $12 to $15 per month. I always had a dream that when I finished my five years, I would join a business-a hotel or whatever. I just wanted to go and do something. In 1992, the business environment started improving I applied for a lot of jobs, but nobody wanted me! I was turned down for secretary to the general manager of a Kentucky Fried Chicken.


Then, in 1995, I went to Seattle as an interpreter for a trade delegation. A friend showed me the Internet there for the first time. We searched the word "beer" on Yahoo and discovered that there was no data about China. We decided to launch a website and registered the name "China Pages".

之后到了1995年,我作为一个商贸代表团的随团翻译来到了西雅图。一位朋友第一次向我介绍了因特网这个东西。我们在雅虎上搜索了“啤酒” (beer)这个词,结果在网上没有发现有关中国的任何资料。于是我们决定做一个网页并取名为“中国黄页”。

I borrowed $2, 000 to set up the company. I knew nothing about personal computers or e-mails. I had never touched a keyboard before that. That's why I call myself "blind man riding on the back of a blind tiger."

