环球慢速英语 爸爸也会得产后抑郁症(5)(在线收听

Voice 2: Shari I. Lusskin is a doctor at the New York University School of Medicine. She says:


Voice 4: "Postpartum depression is not a mother's problem; it's a family problem."


Voice 1: Postpartum depression is a real sickness. And there are ways to treat it. No parent should suffer alone under the pressure of postpartum depression. Doctor Lusskin says:


Voice 4: "Mothers and fathers do not get depressed because they are bad parents... Depression is a medical condition, not a moral condition. If you feel that your mood is not what it should be after the birth of a child, or if you feel your wife or husband's mood is not normal, seek help, and seek help early. The sooner you get treated, the better - and the fewer consequences for the mother, the father, and the child... And treatment should involve both parents - not just the one who seems to be depressed."

