纪录片《美国商业大亨传奇》 掌控全局(63)(在线收听

Ford seizes the momentum and his factories go into overdrive.

福特抓住势头 工厂开足了马力

His assembly lines starts producing a revolutionary new car at a record rate.

以前所未有的速度 用装配线开始生产一种革命性的车型

It's called the Model T and it costs only 825$.

即T型车 其成本只要825美元

For the first time, a car the common man can afford.

这是第一次 汽车成为普通人都能买得起的东西

Henry Ford created what became the most important industry in the American economy.


He had no idea of the enormous impact it would have on almost every sector of American life.


He literally changed America, the way we live, the way we do things, and the way we go about our business.

他完完全全改变了美国 改变了我们的生活 工作以及开展业务的方式

Ford's reputation won't always be so positive, but his revolution inspires an entire generation of visionaries who will transform the fabric ofAmerican life.

福特的声誉也不全是正面的 但他的革新激励了整整一代远见家 他们以后将改变美国生活的方方面面

Childhood friends William Harley and Arthur Davidson attach an engine to a bicycle and begin selling motorcycles to the masses.

童年好友威廉·哈雷与阿瑟·戴维森将发动机安装到自行车上 并向大众销售摩托车

Milton Hershey applies Henry Ford's assembly line model to the mass production of chocolate.


Chicago merchant, William Wrigley takes his chewing gum national and in Hollywood, Polish immigrant, Max Factor, begins distributing cosmetics for movie stars to drug stores across the country inventing a completely new consumer product--make-up.

芝加哥商人威廉·李格列 将他的口香糖推向了全国 而在好莱坞 波兰移民蜜丝·佛陀开始向电影明星以及全国各地的药店销售化妆品 这是他发明的全新的消费产品
