英语听力短剧 20为何忧郁(在线收听

Episode 20: Why are you looking so glum?

Johnny: Hi

Harry: Hi

Harry: Could we get two cappuccinos please?

Tony: Ok...sit down and I’ll bring them over to you.

Harry: Cheers...

Johnny: So, listen, I had a word with the IT department about that job that I’d mentioned, and they’d like you to come in for a chat sometime...

Harry: A “chat”?

Johnny: Well, yeah, you know, not really a formal interview, just...well...like, a chat, so they can get to know you, and see what you’re like, and stuff...

Harry: But there’s no real job on offer...

Johnny: Well, no, perhaps not as yet, not exactly...

Harry: Hmmm, I’m not sure.

Johnny: Go on! What have you got to lose?

Harry: I guess you’re right...

Johnny: And it’s a good company to work for...lots of prospects...great bonuses! And you get to work with me!

Harry: OK, when can I come in?

Olivia: Hi

All: Hi!

Johnny: Tomorrow I guess...

Olivia: Tomorrow what? What are you two planning in secret?

Harry: Olivia, you are so nosey! You always have to know everything about everyone else....

Olivia: Just natural curiosity...

Johnny: Harry’s coming to work with me!

Olivia: That’s great!

Harry: Hang on, hang on...it’s not definite yet...

Olivia: I’m sure you’ll get the job! Well done!

Harry: Slow down, will you!

Olivia: That means you’ll be too busy to do my website for me...

Harry: I’m sure I can squeeze you in...

Olivia: I wouldn’t want to overwork you!

Harry: We’ll see, eh?

Olivia: OK, but don’t lose any sleep over it.

All: Hi Sarah!

Johnny: How’s the flat-hunting going?

Sarah: Oooooppphhhh....I’m exhausted. I’ve been going round the city all day, looking at flats.

Olivia: And no success?

Sarah: No success at all.

Harry: What’s the problem?

Sarah: They’re all too small, or too dark, or too far away, or too expensive, or there are weird flatmates...

Harry: You’ll have to compromise at some point....

Sarah: Yeah, I guess so, but I don’t want to live in a complete dump, and it seems that I can’t afford much more.

Fadi: Hello all!

All: Hi Fadi!

Harry: How’s it going mate?

Fadi: I’m fine here, but why are you lot all looking so glum?

Olivia: Sarah still can’t find a place to live.

Harry: Olivia’s fed up because I can’t do her website for her!

Johnny: Harry’s not enthusiastic about working with me!

Fadi: Great...Well, I’lll just have to try and solve all your problems, then, won’t I?




prospects (noun) Probability of success 前景,前途

如:The company offers good job prospects for graduates


a bonus (noun) Something extra that is given or paid 红利,奖金

如:Last month I worked well and got a ten pound bonus


nosey (adjective) Inquisitive 爱追问的

如:Can I be nosey and ask you how old you are?


squeeze (verb) To apply pressure in order to extract more juice, etc. 榨取

如:Squeeze the last bit of toothpaste and I’ll open a new tube


weird (adjective) Strange, unnatural 奇怪,不正常

如:He’s a weird guy, he never speaks to anyone


compromise (verb) To agree by making mutual concessions 妥协

如:He wanted black and I wanted white, so we compromised and bought grey!


dump (noun) A dirty, unpleasant place 脏的地方,垃圾场

如:She lives in a dump but can’t afford to move


glum (adjective) Gloomy, unhappy 闷闷不乐的,抑郁的

如:She looked quite glum after she heard the bad news

