英语听力短剧 38男生之间的闲谈(在线收听

Episode 38: 。。。talking about girlfriends

Johnny: Hey guys! Did you hear about Magda?

All: No...

Johnny: She won a prize for her architecture!

All: That’s great!

Johnny: ...but it turned out she’d only designed the doorhandles for the winning building!

Harry: Ha ha ha...yeah, but c’mon, that’s not funny...she’s really talented! It’s a great place to start...

Johnny: What? Do you fancy her or something?

Harry: No! Get out of here! I’m just being nice...

Fadi: Yeah, Johnny, come on...

Johnny: Guys! I’m only joking – good on her, really! Talking of girlfriends...

All: Yeah?

Johnny: I hear you’ve been going out with Olivia, Fadi!

Fadi: Ok, yeah, just once or twice, though...she’s really nice.

Harry: Are you going to see her again?

Fadi: Probably – she’s in this café every day!

Harry: You know what I mean! Are you going to go out with her again?

Fadi: Oh...I don’t know...maybe...Anyway – let’s change the subject: what about you and Bindyu?

Harry: Yeah...it’s good, y’know, we’re really different as people, but we get on pretty well actually.

All: Carlos!

Carlos: Hello there guys! Only you lot today?

Johnny: Looks like it...don’t know where all the girls are today...

Fadi: Gone shopping probably...

Carlos: I think those girls have more interests than just shopping...they’re a pretty intelligent bunch of people!

Harry: That’s true actually....they’re all more successful than we are!

Johnny: Hey! Speak for yourself! I’m very successful!

All: (laugh)

Harry: In that case Johnny – you should buy us all a coffee!

Johnny: Ok then – Tony – a cappuccino for everyone please!

Tony: All right, all right...

Harry: So Carlos, we were just talking about girlfriends...

Fadi: Wait, Harry – you were talking about girlfriends...

Harry. Whatever! Have you seen Sarah again Carlos?

Carlos: Yeah...it was difficult at first – we’re quite different people...

Harry: Tell me about it...!

Carlos: But we both like cinema, and cooking - so we go out to see a movie, then go and get something to eat somewhere...it’s good....

Harry: Nothing more?

Carlos: Well, no...I’m taking it slowly. I’m a bit fed up with my job here, y’know...thinking about maybe giving it up and going back to Brazil...

Fadi: Really? Wow...well, we’d be sorry to see you go!

Harry: Yeah – we’d miss you!

Carlos: What about you and Sarah, Harry?

Harry: Well, I was just telling the guys, we’re getting on really well...I’m even..I mean...I’ve thought about...

All: What?

Harry: Asking her to marry me!

All: No!!!!!!!

Harry: Well, only, y’know, like...maybe...just a thought....

Johnny: Blimey – Tony – I think we’ll need those coffees extra strong!!!!




Talented (adj.) - being good at something adj. 有才能的,有天赋的

如:The ballet school offers free places to children who are exceptionally talented.


She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.


To fancy someone - to like someone romantically 幻想

如:I fancy I have met you before.


Actually (adv.) - really adv. 实际上,事实上

如:He seems to be doing nothing, but actually he is just biding his time.


This tree looks high and strong but actually its trunk is hollow.


A bunch (n.) - a group n. 串,束,捆,一群

如:Your friends are all just a bunch of nobodies.


To be fed up - To be bored 厌倦

如:She's fed up with being her husband's stooge.

