
A filthy Pool 肮脏的泳池

  A: The pool is filthy.

  A: 游泳池很脏。

  B: I forgot to put on the cover last night.

  B: 我昨晚忘了盖封面。

  A: There are mosquitoes buzzing around it!

  A: 周围有蚊子嗡嗡叫!

  B: They lay their eggs in the stagnant water.

  B: 他们在死水里下蛋。

  A: How are we supposed to go swimming?

  A: 我们该怎么去游泳?

  B: You have to wait until I clean the pool.

  B: 你必须等到我清理水池。

  A: Can you clean it now?

  A: 你现在能打扫一下吗?

  B: I have to, before more mosquitoes hatch.

  B: 我必须在更多的蚊子孵化之前。

  A: Try not to get bitten!

  A: 尽量不要被咬!

  B: I'd hate to be hospitalized for a mosquito bite.

  B: 我不想因为蚊虫叮咬而住院。

  A: If you are, make sure you finish the pool first!

  A: 如果你是,确保你先完成游泳池!

  B: Your concern over me is heartwarming.

  B: 你对我的关心让人暖心。
