
  You snuck onto their boat?


  You know, I don't need a reward. If you guys are trying to think of what honor to bestow upon me, don't need it.

  你知道我做好事不求回报 你们大家不用绞尽脑汁想给我颁什么奖 不用

  Boo! Yeah, boo 'em! Boo!

  嘘 对 嘘他们 嘘

  You're booing them or me?




  It's me.


  Perhaps I can explain. You see, my cousins are simple folk. Watch. A,B,C...Nothing. See? Nothing. I didn't want to risk their lives until I found out that the... The new world was safe. We were gonna put on a cowboy show for you. LET 'er go, boys! ...and I'll take the low... Ixnay on the ongsay. That was Pig Latin.

  这件事我可以解释 诸位 我的远房亲戚都很单纯 瞧着 不会唱 瞧 他不会 在确认这片新世界是非常安全的之前 我不想让他们以身试险 我们还打算为你们表演一出牛仔秀 弟兄们 奏起 你走阳关道 我走独木桥 要把高潮留到最后 这是猪猪的黑话

  But perhaps it wasn't meant to be. I believe that birds and pigs are meant to be friends. But if we crossed boundaries that were not meant to be crossed...

  也许天注定我们无法成为朋友 我相信小鸟和猪猪们是天生的好朋友 可是如果我们跨越了 不应该跨越的界线的话

  Mr. Red, you've shamed not only yourself, but our entire community!

  胖红先生 你应当为自己感到羞愧 你令整个族群蒙受耻辱

  I think you... You messed up there. You said "shamed" and you meant "saved," right?

  我觉得你可能搞错了 你其实想说的是救赎 对吗?

  I sent you to treatment to deal with your problems. Clearly, more treatment is required.

  我安排你去治疗改掉你的长久以来的坏毛病 看来还得再给你加一些


