
Choosing Flowers 买花

  A: Where are you going?

  A: 你要去哪里?

  B: I'm going to buy some flowers for Valentine's Day.

  B: 我打算在情人节买些花。

  A: Who are the flowers for?

  A: 这些花是给谁的?

  B: My mom, my sister, and my girlfriend.

  B: 我妈妈,我妹妹和我女朋友。

  A: Wow, you are very thoughtful.

  A: 哇,你真体贴。

  B: I don't really know which flowers to buy, though.

  B: 不过,我真的不知道该买什么花。

  A: Well, for your girlfriend, something romantic.

  A: 嗯,对你的女朋友来说,浪漫一点。

  B: Red roses, of course.

  B: 当然是红玫瑰。

  A: For your mother, something that smells nice.

  A: 对你妈妈来说,闻起来不错。

  B: Carnations! She loves carnations.

  B: 康乃馨!她喜欢康乃馨。

  A: And for your sister?

  A: 你妹妹呢?

  B: I'll buy her some pink roses. Thanks for your help!

  B: 我会给她买一些粉红色的玫瑰。谢谢你的帮助!
