
Not Getting a Bank Statement 未获得银行对账单

  A: I have a problem with the checking account I have at this bank.

  A: 我在这家银行的支票账户有问题。

  B: What seems to be the problem?

  B: 问题是什么?

  A: I keep getting hit with fees but I'm not getting my statements.

  A: 我不断受到费用的打击,但我没有收到我的账单。

  B: Did you opt to get online statements?

  B: 您是否选择在线获取声明?

  A: I did but I haven't seen any in my inbox.

  A: 我看到了,但我的收件箱里没有看到。

  B: Perhaps they are going to your spam folder?

  B: 也许他们要去你的垃圾邮件文件夹?

  A: I didn't even think of that.

  A: 我甚至没有想到。

  B: We can't refund all of your fees but I can refund this month's.

  B: 我们不能退还你所有的费用,但我可以退还这个月的费用。

  A: That would be helpful.

  A: 那会很有帮助的。

  B: May I suggest you get regular paper statements?

  B: 我可以建议你定期拿到纸质报表吗?

  A: Since I'm not tech savvy that's a good idea.

  A: 既然我不懂技术,那是个好主意。

  B: Just confirm your mailing address for me.

  B: 请帮我确认一下你的邮寄地址。
