
  Silent Rave


  A: I went to an interesting rave last night.

  A: 昨晚我去了一个有趣的狂欢节。

  B: What was so interesting about it?

  B: 有什么有趣的?

  A: It was called a silent rave.

  A: 这被称为无声的狂欢。

  B: How can you have a rave without music?

  B: 没有音乐你怎么能狂欢?

  A: Everyone wears headphones and dances to the music.

  A: 每个人都戴着耳机,随着音乐跳舞。

  B: That doesn't sound very fun.

  B: 这听起来不太有趣。

  A: It is very convenient.

  A: 它非常方便。

  B: How can it be convenient?

  B: 怎么会方便呢?

  A: To talk to someone, you just take off the earphones.

  A: 要和某人说话,你只需摘下耳机。

  B: Wow! That does sound convenient.

  B: 哇!听起来确实很方便。

  A: Best of all, I got a cute girl's phone number.

  A: 最棒的是,我有一个可爱女孩的电话号码。

  B: Now I see why you liked the rave so much!

  B: 现在我明白你为什么这么喜欢狂欢了!
