
  Too Much Coffee


  A: How many cups of coffee have you had today?!

  A: 你今天喝了多少杯咖啡?!

  B: I don't know, three, maybe?

  B: 我不知道,也许三个?

  A: Don't you think that's a little too much?

  A: 你不觉得这有点过分吗?

  B: No way! Coffee is good for you.

  B: 不可能!咖啡对你有好处。

  A: Too much of anything is bad for you!

  A: 太多的东西对你不好!

  B: What about water?

  B: 水呢?

  A: Sure! People drown all the time.

  A: 当然!人们总是溺水。

  B: Well, I'd happily drown in coffee.

  B: 好吧,我很乐意淹死在咖啡里。

  A: Did you know coffee stains your teeth brown?

  A: 你知道咖啡会把你的牙齿染成棕色吗?

  B: Does it, really?!

  B: 真的吗?!

  A: Yes. Your teeth will rot out if you drink too much.

  A: 是的。如果你喝得太多,你的牙齿会腐烂。

  B: I'd better stop, then; girls like nice, white smiles!

  B: 那我最好停下来;女孩们喜欢漂亮、白皙的笑容!
