
  Broken Legs


  A: Can you help me get up the stairs, please?

  A: 你能帮我上楼吗?

  B: Of course. What happened to your leg?

  B: 当然。你的腿怎么了?

  A: I broke it a week ago.

  A: 我一周前把它弄坏了。

  B: How did that happen?

  B: 那是怎么发生的?

  A: I was playing basketball and fell.

  A: 我在打篮球时摔倒了。

  B: Ouch! Did someone push you?

  B: 哎哟!有人推你吗?

  A: No, I just jumped and landed wrong.

  A: 不,我只是跳错了。

  B: I broke my leg once too.

  B: 我的腿也断了一次。

  A: How did it happen to you?

  A: 你怎么会这样?

  B: A boy pushed me down a hill and I landed on my leg.

  B: 一个男孩把我推下山,我的腿着了地。

  A: That sounds like a mean kid.

  A: 这听起来像个坏孩子。

  B: Yes, but I kicked him with the cast.

  B: 是的,但我用石膏踢了他。
