
  Joining a Club


  A: Excuse me.

  A: 对不起。

  B: Hello! How can I help you?

  B: 你好!我能帮你什么?

  A: I am interested in buying a membership card.

  A: 我想买一张会员卡。

  B: That's great! How did you hear about us?

  B: 太棒了!你是怎么听说我们的?

  A: A friend of mine has a membership with you.

  A: 我的一个朋友是你的会员。

  B: What services are you interested in?

  B: 您对哪些服务感兴趣?

  A: I would like to have access to the swimming pool.

  A: 我想去游泳池。

  B: Would you also like to work out in the gym?

  B: 你也想去健身房锻炼吗?

  A: Yes, I would.

  A: 是的,我会的。

  B: Here is a listing of our prices.

  B: 这是我们的价格清单。

  A: I think this plan is best for me.

  A: 我认为这个计划最适合我。

  B: Alright! Just fill out this paperwork, and that's all!

  B: 好吧!只需填写这份文件,就可以了!
