《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 32(在线收听

Who has been killed? Where is this man?

谁被杀了 他在哪

Scamander? Hello, Minister.

斯卡曼德 您好 部长大人

Theseus Scamander? The war hero?

忒修斯·斯卡曼德 那个一战英雄

No, this is his little brother.

不 这是他弟弟

And what are you doing in New York?


I came to buy an Appaloosa Puffskein, sir. Right.

买阿帕鲁萨蒲绒绒 先生 我信了

What are you really doing here?


Goldstein, and who is this?

戈德斯坦恩 这又是谁

This is Jacob Kowalski, Madam President,he's a NoMaj who got bitten by one of Mr. Scamander's creatures.

他叫雅各布·科瓦斯基 会长女士 他是被斯卡曼德先生的动物咬了的麻鸡

No-Maj? Obliviate him.


Merlin's beard.You know whi ch of your creatures was responsible, Mr. Scamander?

梅林的胡子啊 您知道您的哪只动物该为此负责吗 斯卡曼德先生

No creature did this.Don't pretend!

这不是动物干的 别装了

You must know what that was, look at the marks...That was an Obscurus.

你们知道那是什么 看伤痕就知道 这是默默然干的
