美国国家公共电台 NPR--Dolphin excrement could be the key to saving the world's coral reefs(在线收听

Dolphin excrement could be the key to saving the world's coral reefs


A new study shows spinner dolphins absorb a lot of nitrogen during their daily routines. And when they swim to the shallows to do their business, they provide vital nutrients to the corals.


Good morning. I'm Leila Fadel. Dolphin poop - or excrement - could help save endangered coral reefs. A new study from the Zoological Society of London found that highly acrobatic spinner dolphins absorb a lot of nitrogen during their daily routines. And when they swim to the shallows to do their business, they provide vital nutrients to the corals, building reef productivity and resilience just by answering the call of nature in their favorite lagoon. It's MORNING EDITION.
