美国国家公共电台 NPR--Horses are big runners and wear shoes, so why not give them sneakers?(在线收听

Horses are big runners and wear shoes, so why not give them sneakers?


This is essentially the pitch for a new line of designer horse shoes. They're sold by a Kentucky company called Horse Kicks. It makes classic shoes, shaped to fit around a horse's hoof.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Horses are big runners and do wear shoes, so why not buy them sneakers? This is the pitch for a new line of designer horse shoes. They're sold by a Kentucky company called Horse Kicks. The company makes classic shoes shaped to fit around a horse's hoof. Now your pony can wear Air Jordans or New Balance for just over $1,000 per shoe. The designer calls them better than, quote, "boring traditional horseshoes." It's MORNING EDITION.
