2023年经济学人 科学与宗教不一定对立(2)(在线收听


    Mr Spencer insightfully revisits the dust-ups involving Galileo, Darwin and John Scopes (prosecuted in Tennessee in 1925 for teaching evolution).


    He traces the interaction of the two disciplines in often fascinating detail.


    Many pioneering scientists lived in times of religious and political strife and found in "natural philosophy", as pre-modern science was known, a "ministry of reconciliation".


    Thomas Sprat, dean of Westminster and biographer of the Royal Society, opined in 1667 that, in their experiments, men "may agree, or dissent, without faction, or fierceness".


    That was not always true, as Isaac Newton's spats with his peers showed.


    Still, says Mr Spencer, by supplying an arena for calmer debate that was beyond clerical control, "Science saved religion from itself."斯宾塞先生说,尽管如此,在神职人员控制的范围之外,为更冷静的辩论提供一个舞台,这让"科学将宗教从其自身的压迫中拯救出来"。

    The roll call of scientists who were people of faith runs from Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell to Gregor Mendel and Georges Lemaitre, a Belgian priest who, on the basis of mathematical calculations, first proposed that the universe was expanding and therefore had a beginning.


    In 1933 Lemaitre made what, for Mr Spencer, is a key observation: "Neither St Paul nor Moses had the slightest idea of relativity."1933年,勒梅特提出了斯宾塞认为很关键的一个观点:"圣保罗和摩西都没有一丁点相对论的概念。"The writers of the Bible could see into "the question of salvation. On other questions they were as wise or as ignorant as their generation."《圣经》的作者可以洞察"救赎问题。在其他问题上,他们和其同时代的人一样聪明或无知"。

    In other words, science and religion are not different attempts to do the same thing.


    Lemaitre warned the pope against drawing any theological conclusions from his work on the cosmos.


    Mutual hostility has risen in recent decades.


    Sociobiology now seeks to explain all human life and behaviour, including morality and the mind, in terms of evolution.


    As well as clinging to a morality derived from scripture, some religious zealots still reject Darwin's theory altogether.


    Mr Spencer thinks it is "disciplinary overreach" for either side to dismiss the other entirely.


    "Neuroscience stands no more chance of finding morality or the soul in an MRI scan than ethicists or theologians will locate evidence for frontal lobe activity in the ‘Nicomachean Ethics' or the Bible.""神经科学在核磁共振扫描中找不到道德或灵魂,正如伦理学家或神学家在《尼各马可伦理学》或《圣经》中无法找到额叶活动的证据一样。"In "Rocks of Ages" (published in 1999), Stephen Jay Gould, an evolutionary biologist, argued that the tension between science and religion "exists only in people's minds…not in the logic or proper utility of these entirely different [subjects]".


    He coined the phrase "non-overlapping magisteria" to describe their relationship.


    One covers the empirical realm, the other the realm of values.


    Mr Spencer does not think the division is quite so clean-cut.


    "Science and religion are partially overlapping magisteria," he thinks. "They overlap within us.""科学和宗教是部分重叠的权威。"他认为。"二者在我们内心中是重叠的。"In other words, humans are complex, and should be able to tolerate complexity without declaring war.

