2023年经济学人 超级细菌的秘密(2)(在线收听


    But such “transductions” cannot fully explain the speed with which bacteria evolve resistance either.


    It happens rarely, and transfers only small chunks of DNA when it does.


    In 2018 Dr Chen identified another mechanism, known as lateral transduction.


    This happens when phages, rather than killing their hosts immediately, integrate their genomes into those of their prey.


    When the phages replicate, they read their own genes from the bacteria’s genome, but sometimes grab copies of long neighbouring stretches of bacterial DNA too, which they carry to infect new hosts.


    Dr Chen reckons that phages could in this way end up stealing up to a quarter of their host’s genome.


    He estimates that lateral transduction is thousands of times faster than other mechanisms, making it a candidate as the chief driver of microbial drug resistance.


    In practice, this means a bacterium with no previous exposure to antibiotics could acquire the genes necessary for resistance in a matter of minutes.


    But the story does not end there.


    Dr Chen examined Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium that is usually harmless but which can occasionally cause serious illnesses.


    Particular chunks of its genome, called “pathogenicity islands” (or Sapis), seem to behave like genetic parasites; bits of DNA that replicate selfishly without regard for the well-being of their host.

    其基因组的特定部分,称为“致病性岛”(或致病岛),似乎表现得像是遗传寄生物; 这些DNA片段会自私地复制,不顾宿主的健康。

    In one sense, that makes them an even more primitive form of replicator than a virus.


    When a bacterial cell playing host to a Sapi is infected by a phage, the Sapis can command the cell to produce a protein called small transferase.


    This is similar to the protein that the attacking phage uses as a signal to begin packing its DNA into newly produced phages.


    That biochemical trick can cause new phages to be packaged not with viral DNA at all, but with long chunks of bacterial genome.


    “It completely replaces the phage genome,” says Dr Chen.

