2023年经济学人 人工智能彻底改变科学(1)(在线收听


    Debate about artificial intelligence (AI) tends to focus on its potential dangers: algorithmic bias and discrimination, the mass destruction of jobs and even, some say, the extinction of humanity.


    As some observers fret about these dystopian scenarios, however, others are focusing on the potential rewards.


    AI could, they claim, help humanity solve some of its biggest and thorniest problems.


    And, they say, AI will do this in a very specific way: by radically accelerating the pace of scientific discovery, especially in areas such as medicine, climate science and green technology.


    Luminaries in the field such as Demis Hassabis and Yann LeCun believe that AI can turbocharge scientific progress and lead to a golden age of discovery.


    Could they be right?


    Such claims are worth examining, and may provide a useful counterbalance to fears about large-scale unemployment and killer robots.


    Many previous technologies have, of course, been falsely hailed as panaceas.


    The electric telegraph was lauded in the 1850s as a herald of world peace, as were aircraft in the 1900s;19世纪50年代,电报被誉为世界和平的先驱,20世纪初,飞机也是如此;pundits in the 1990s said the internet would reduce inequality and eradicate nationalism.


    But the mechanism by which AI will supposedly solve the world’s problems has a stronger historical basis,但人工智能解决世界问题的机制有更强大的历史基础,because there have been several periods in history when new approaches and new tools did indeed help bring about bursts of world-changing scientific discovery and innovation.


    In the 17th century microscopes and telescopes opened up new vistas of discovery and encouraged researchers to favour their own observations over the received wisdom of antiquity, while the introduction of scientific journals gave them new ways to share and publicise their findings.


    The result was rapid progress in astronomy, physics and other fields, and new inventions from the pendulum clock to the steam engine—the prime mover of the Industrial Revolution.

