


I shipped off to RAF Shawbury and discovered that helicopters were much more complex thanFireflys.

Even the preflight checks were more extensive.

I stared at the galaxy of toggles and switches and thought: How am I going to memorize allthis?

Somehow I did. Slowly, under the watchful eyes of my two new instructors, Sergeant MajorsLazel and Mitchell, I learned them all.

In no time we were lifting off, rotors beating the frothy clouds, one of the great physicalsensations anyone can experience. The purest form of flying, in many ways. The first time weascended, straight vertical, I thought: I was born for this.

But flying the helicopter, I learned, wasn’t the hard part. Hovering was. At least six longlessons were devoted to this one task, which sounded easy at first and quickly came to seemimpossible. In fact, the more you practiced hovering, the more impossible it seemed.

The main reason was a phenomenon called “hover monkeys.” Just above the ground ahelicopter falls prey to a fiendish confluence of factors: air flow, downdraft, gravity. First itwobbles, then it rocks, then it pitches and yaws—as if invisible monkeys are hanging from both itsskids, yanking. To land the helicopter you have to shake off those hover monkeys, and the onlyway to do that is by…ignoring them.

Easier said. Time and time again the hover monkeys got the better of me, and it was smallconsolation that they also got the better of every other pilot training with me. We talked amongourselves about these little bastards, these invisible gremlins. We grew to hate them, to dread theshame and rage that came with being bested by them yet again. None of us could work out how torestore the aircraft’s equilibrium and put it on the deck without denting the fuselage. Or scrapingthe skids. To walk away from a landing with a long, crooked mark on the tarmac behind you—thatwas the ultimate humiliation.

Come the day of our first solos we were all basket cases. The hover monkeys, the hovermonkeys, that was all you heard around the kettle and the coffee pot. When it was my turn Iclimbed into the helicopter, said a prayer, asked the tower for clearance. All clear. I started her up,lifted off, did several laps around the field, no problem, despite strong winds.

Now it was zero hour.

On the apron were eight circles. You had to land inside one. Left of the apron was an orangebrick building with huge glass windows where the other pilots and students waited their turn. Iknew they were all standing at those windows, watching, as I felt the hover monkeys take hold.

The aircraft was rocking. Get off, I shouted, leave me alone.

I fought the controls and managed to set the helicopter inside one of the circles.

Walking inside the orange building, I threw out my chest and proudly took my place at thewindows to watch the others. Sweaty but smiling.

Several student pilots had to abort their landings that day. One had to set down on a nearbypatch of grass. One landed so hot and wobbly, fire trucks and an ambulance rushed to the scene.

When he walked into the orange building I could see in his eyes that he felt as I would’ve feltin his shoes.

Part of him honestly wished he’d crashed and burned.
