Scene 7 经历(在线收听

Scene 7 经历

❶ 今天过得怎么样?How was your day?

同类表达 How's it going today?

这样回答 Not bad. 还不错。

Very well. 挺好的。

❷ 你有什么烦心事吗?Is there anything bothering you?

同类表达 What's bothering you recently? 你近来有什么烦心事吗?

对话 A: Is there anything bothering you? 你有什么烦心事吗?

B: I have some problems with work. 工作中遇到了一些麻烦。

❸ 累死我了!I'm worn out.

同类表达 I'm so tired. 我很累。

I'm exhausted. 我累死了。

❹ 今天太倒霉了。It's just not my day.

同类表达 Today was such a bad day! 今天太倒霉了!

I had a bad hair day. 倒霉透了。

对话 A: It's just not my day. 今天太倒霉了。

B: Every dog has its day. 风水轮流转。

❺ 我度过了难熬的一天。I've had a very hard day.

对话 A: What happened to you? 你怎么了?

B: Don't mention it. I've had a very hard day. 别提了,我度过了难熬的一天。

❻ 我今天真走运。I am in luck today.

对话 A: I am in luck today. I was promoted. 我今天真走运。我升职了。

B: Congratulations. 恭喜你。

❼ 今天老板把我臭骂了一顿。My boss bawled me out today.

对话 A: My boss bawled me out today. 今天老板把我臭骂了一顿。

B: Oh, you must be very sad. 你一定非常难过。

❽ 老师表扬了我。The teacher praised me.

对话 A: The teacher praised me. 老师表扬了我。

B: I am so proud of you. 我真为你感到自豪。

❾ 我今天顺利通过了公司考核。I passed the assessment of my company.

这样回答 Congratulations. 恭喜你。

❿ 一个同事今天离职了。A colleague has left the company today.
