Scene 21 租房(在线收听

Scene 21 租房

❶ 广告上说您有一间空房要出租。The advertisement says you have a vacant apartment to let.

同类表达 I heard you might have a spare room. 听说你有一间空房。

I heard you have an extra room for rent. 听说你有空房要出租。

❷ 这公寓里有家具吗?Is this flat furnished?

对话 A: Is this flat furnished? 带家具吗?

B: Yes, this is all my furniture here. 带,我所有家具都在这儿。

❸ 公寓附近有超市吗?Is there a supermarket near the apartment?

对话 A: Is there a supermarket near the apartment? 公寓附近有超市吗?

B: Yes, just across the street. 有,就在街对面。

❹ 我比较喜欢朝南的房间。I would prefer a room with southern exposure.

同类表达 I'd like to rent either a studio or a one-bedroom apartment. 我想租一间小套房或是一室一厅的公寓。

❺ (这间屋子)采光很充足。It gets plenty of sunlight.

对话 A: Does the room receive much sunlight? 房子里采光好不好?

B: It gets plenty of sunlight. 这间屋子采光很充足。

❻ 我什么时候能住进这间公寓?When will the apartment be ready for me to move in?

对话 A: When will the apartment be ready for me to move in? 我什么时候能住进这间公寓?

B: You can move in in two months. 你可以在两个月后搬进来。

❼ 你对这所公寓还满意吗?Are you satisfied with the flat?

这样回答 This apartment looks nice. 这所公寓看着不错。

It's a pleasant apartment. 这所公寓很舒服。

❽ 房租每月多少钱?How much is the rent per month?

同类表达 What's the rent? 房租多少钱?

对话 A: How much is the rent per month? 房租每月多少钱?

B: 2,500 yuan per month. 每个月2 500元。

A: I think the rent for this room is too high. 我觉得这间屋子的租金太高了。

❾ 水、电、燃气费都包含在内吗?Are utilities included in the rent?

同类表达 Does that include utilities? 那包括水、电、燃气费吗?

Are utilities included? 水、电、燃气费都包括了吗?

❿ 我的预算大概是2 000元。My price expectation is around 2,000 yuan .
