Scene 71 开心(在线收听

Scene 71 开心

❶ 我很高兴。I'm happy.

同类表达 I'm ecstatic. 我高兴得忘乎所以了。

I'm thrilled. 我太激动了。

I'm in heaven. 我好像到了天堂。

❷ 太好了!Oh, boy!

对话 A: We're going to Hong Kong next week. 下星期我们去香港。

B: Oh, boy! 太好了!

❸ 太好了。That's terrific.

对话 A: I won the first place in the exam! 我考了第一!

B: That's terrific. 太好了。

❹ 我太兴奋了睡不着觉。I'm so excited that I can't fall asleep.

同类表达 This is so exciting! 太让人激动了!

I am too excited to fall asleep. 我兴奋得睡不着。

❺ 来,击掌!Give me five!

对话 A: Our team won the football match! 我们队赢了这场足球赛!

B: Yeah, give me five! 耶!来,击掌!

❻ 你笑个不停。You can't stop smiling.

对话 A: Any good news? You can't stop smiling. 有什么好消息吗?你笑个不停。

B: John has asked me to marry him! 约翰向我求婚了!

❼ 我欣喜若狂。I'm on top of the world.

同类表达 I'm walking on air.

I jumped for joy.

❽ 没有比这更让我开心的了。Nothing would please me more than this.

同类表达 Nothing could be more wonderful than this. 没有比这更棒的了。

I couldn't be happier. 我开心极了。

I've never been this happy. 我从没有这么高兴过。

❾ 今天我的心情很好。I'm in a good mood today.

同类表达 I'm feeling good. 我心情很好。

I am as happy as a clam. 我感觉很惬意。

❿ 听到这消息我很高兴。I'm glad to hear it.

同类表达 I'm happy you told me. 很高兴你告诉了我。

That's great to hear it. 很高兴你告诉了我。
