Scene 74 放心(在线收听

Scene 74 放心

❶ 听了那个消息,我就放心了。I'm relieved to hear that.

同类表达 What a relief! 可以松口气了!

❷ 所有的事都解决好了。Everything worked out well.

对话 A: Everything worked out well. 所有的事都解决好了。

B: I'm so relieved. 我总算可以松口气了。

❸ 谢天谢地!Thank goodness!

对话 A: Here we are at last. 终于到了。

B: Thank goodness! 谢天谢地!

❹ 可算摆脱了。Good riddance.

对话 A: My cousin has gone back home. Good riddance. 我表姐回家了,可算摆脱了。

B: Yeah, we can get a good rest now. 是啊,我们可以好好休息一下了。

❺ 请放心。Set your mind at rest.

同类表达 Set your mind at ease.

Please be assured.

❻ 放心吧,我们会尽力而为的。You can rest assured that we will do our best.

同类表达 We'll try our best. Please be assured.

对话 A: Shall I go with you? 我要跟你们一起去吗?

B: You can rest assured that we will do our best. 放心吧,我们会尽力而为的。

❼ 我对这事很放心。I am at ease about the matter.

对话 A: What do you think about the matter? 这件事你怎么看?

B: I am at ease about the matter. What about you? 我对这事很放心。你呢?

A: I don't think so. 我不这样想。

❽ 如果你不放心,可以跟我一起去。If you do not trust, you can go with me.

对话 A: If you do not trust, you can go with me. 如果你不放心,可以跟我一起去。

B: Is it convenient? 方便吗?

A: Just OK. 没什么。

❾ 总算放心了。That's a relief!

对话 A: Do you know where Jenny is? 你知道珍妮在哪里吗?

B: I don't know. But John said he saw her in the library. 我不知道。不过约翰说在图书馆看见她了。

A: That's a relief! 总算放心了。

❿ 我很安心。I'm at my ease.
