Scene 93 寂寞(在线收听

Scene 93 寂寞

❶ 我感到很寂寞。I feel lonely.

同类表达 I'm lonely.

对话 A: I feel lonely without my husband. 我老公不在,我感到很寂寞。

B: He'll be back next week. 他下个星期就会回来。

❷ 我的生活很空虚。My life is empty.

对话 A: My life is empty. 我的生活很空虚。

B: Why not travel with friends? 为什么不跟朋友们去旅行?

A: Good idea. 好主意。

❸ 这几天我的心里空荡荡的。My mind is blank these days.

同类表达 I feel incomplete recently.

对话 A: Are you OK? 你还好吧?

B: My mind is blank these days. 这几天我的心里空荡荡的。

❹ 我的日子过得很孤单。I am having lonesome days.

对话 A: How's your first year in college? 你大学第一年过得怎么样?

B: Well, I am having lonesome days. 我的日子过得很孤单。

❺ 我没有人倾诉心情。I have nobody to talk about my feelings with.

❻ 分手后我感觉很寂寞。I feel lonely after breaking up with my girlfriend.

对话 A: I feel lonely after breaking up with my girlfriend. 分手后我感觉很寂寞。

B: Why not get her back? 为什么不追回来?

A: It's too late. I heard she got married. 太晚了,我听说她结婚了。

❼ 一个人过节挺难熬的。It's tough when you celebrate a festival alone.

对话 A: It's tough when you celebrate a festival alone. 一个人过节挺难熬的。

B: Come to my house and celebrate the New Year with us. 来我家一起庆祝新年吧。

❽ 朋友都离开他了,他感觉很空虚。He felt empty since his friends have left him.

❾ 没人能了解我的感受。No one can understand how I really feel.

对话 A: No one can understand how I really feel. 没人能了解我的感受。

B: That is because you refuse to talk about your feeling. 那是因为你不告诉别人你的感受。

❿ 你一个人生活不觉得寂寞吗?Don't you feel lonely while living alone?

对话 A: Don't you feel lonely while living alone? 你一个人生活不觉得寂寞吗?

B: It turns into a habit. 成为一种习惯了。
