Scene 109 分手(在线收听

Scene 109 分手

❶ 我对你没感觉。I don't feel anything for you.

对话 A: I don't feel anything for you. I want to break up with you. 我对你没有感觉,我想跟你分手。

B: Oh my god! You picked up on me first! 我的天哪!当初是你先跟我搭讪的!

❷ 南希把他甩了。Nancy dumped him.

同类表达 Nancy broke up with him.

对话 A: Why is Mike so sad recently? 迈克最近怎么这么难过?

B: Nancy dumped him. 南希把他甩了。

❸ 我们友好地分手。We parted as friends.

对话 A: What's wrong with you and Jenny? 你和珍妮怎么了?

B: We parted as friends. 我们友好地分手了。

❹ 我们之间就是不来电。It's just there's no real spark.

对话 A: Why can't we be a couple anymore? 我们为什么不能再做情侣了?

B: I don't know. It's just there's no real spark. 我不知道,我们之间就是不来电。

❺ 我和迈克不合适。Mike and I aren't the right fit.

同类表达 We are just not right for each other. 我们不适合对方。

I think we are not a good fit. 我觉得我们不合适。

❻ 我觉得我们做普通朋友更合适。I think it's better for us to just be friends.

对话 A: I think it's better for us to just be friends. 我觉得我们做普通朋友更合适。

B: Just say it! You want to break up with me. 你就直说吧!你想跟我分手。

❼ 我感觉我们之间有很大的隔阂。I'm sensing a real distance between us.

对话 A: Why do you want to break up with me? 你为什么想跟我分手?

B: I'm sensing a real distance between us. 我感觉我们之间有很大的隔阂。

❽ 我得鼓足勇气跟他提分手。I have to get up the nerve to break his heart.

同类表达 I have to find the guts to break his heart.

I have to build up the courage to break his heart.

❾ 我们已经分手了。We were on a break!

❿ 我女朋友刚刚跟我分手了。My girlfriend just broke up with me.

对话 A: My girlfriend just broke up with me. 我女朋友刚刚跟我分手了。

B: Sorry to hear that. 很抱歉听到这个。
