Scene 113 婚礼(在线收听

Scene 113 婚礼

❶ 迈克和妮科尔真是天生的一对。Mike and Nicole are perfect for each other.

❷ 我下了决心和她结婚。I decided to marry her.

对话 A: I decided to marry her. 我下了决心和她结婚。

B: I think you should let her know. Marriage is for you two. 我觉得你应该让她知道。结婚是你们两个人的事。

❸ 伴郎的人选还没定呢!The position of best man is still open!

对话 A: What can I help for your wedding? 你的婚礼我能帮上什么忙吗?

B: The position of best man is still open! 伴郎的人选还没定呢!

❹ 我们已经把喜帖都发出去了。We have sent off all the invitations.

对话 A: Have you guys picked a date yet? 你们定好日子了吗?

B: Yes, we chose next Friday. And we have sent off all the invitations. 我们定的是下个星期五,而且已经把喜帖发出去了。

❺ 你们打算办中式婚礼还是西式的?Are you going to choose a Chinese wedding or a western one?

❻ 恭贺新婚大喜。We congratulate you on your happy wedding.

同类表达 Congratulations on your wedding day! 祝你们新婚愉快!

I wish you a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! 祝你们百年好合!

❼ 希望你们终生幸福。We wish you happiness all your life.

同类表达 I wish you two a wonderful life together. 希望你们俩生活幸福。

I wish the two of you have an incredible life together. 希望你们能幸福美满。

❽ 愿你们早生贵子。May you have a lovely baby.

同类表达 Wish you produce a baby boy as soon as possible. 祝你们早生贵子。

Wish you be parents soon. 祝你们早日当上父母。

❾ 我们从未见过如此般配的一对。We never knew two people better suited to each other.

同类表达 The two of you make a perfect couple. 你们俩真是天生一对。

You and I, we're made for one another. 你和我是天生一对。

❿ 你们要去哪里度蜜月?Where are you going on your honeymoon?

同类表达 Where will you honeymoon?

Where exactly will your honeymoon be?

对话 A: Where are you going on your honeymoon? 你们要去哪里度蜜月?

B: We plan to go to Hawaii. 我们计划去夏威夷。

A: Wow, how romantic! 哇,好浪漫!
