Scene 172 郊游(在线收听

Scene 172 郊游

❶ 周末天气怎么样?What is the weather like at the weekend?

对话 A: What is the weather like at the weekend? 周末天气怎么样?

B: It will be fine, the weather report says. 天气预报说会是晴天。

A: That's great. Let's go on a picnic. 太棒了,我们去野餐吧。

❷ 我们这周末要去野餐。We will go on a picnic this weekend.

同类表达 We are going to have a picnic this weekend.

❸ 大雨妨碍了我们的野餐计划。Heavy rain discomfited our plans for a picnic.

对话 A: Heavy rain discomfited our plans for a picnic. 大雨妨碍了我们的野餐计划。

B: Bad luck. 真是不走运。

❹ 我们必须在天黑前到达。We have to arrive before it gets dark.

同类表达 We must get to the foot of the mountain before nightfall. 我们必须赶在天黑前到达山脚下。

❺ 我们快到了没?Are we close yet?

这样回答 You are not even close! 还早得很呢!

We'll arrive soon. 我们马上就到了。

❻ 站在原地别动。我过去找你们。Just stay put. I'll go and find you.

对话 A: Where are you? 你在哪?

B: Just stay put. I'll go and find you. 站在原地别动。我过去找你们。

❼ 在生火前,我们要把烤架清理干净。We need to clean the grill before we start a fire.

对话 A: We need to clean the grill before we start a fire. 在生火前,我们要把烤架清理干净。

B: Let me do it. 让我来做吧。

❽ 谁来点火?Who is going to light the fire?

对话 A: Who is going to light the fire? 谁来点火?

B: Leave it to me. 让我来吧。

A: OK. 好的。

❾ 你的野餐篮里装的是什么?What's in your picnic basket?

对话 A: What is in your picnic basket? 你的野餐篮里装的是什么?

B: I prepared all the food we need. 我准备了我们需要的所有食物。

❿ 我负责烤肉。It's my duty to barbecue.

对话 A: It's my duty to barbecue. 我负责烤肉。

B: It's my duty to eat. 我负责吃。
