Scene 176 讨论吃什么(在线收听

Scene 176 讨论吃什么

❶ 晚饭吃什么?What's for supper?

同类表达 What do you want for supper? 你晚饭想吃什么?

❷ 晚饭什么时候准备好?When will supper be ready?

同类表达 When can we have supper? 咱们什么时候能吃晚饭啊?

When do we eat? 什么时候吃饭啊?

❸ 我们在家吃还是出去吃?Shall we eat at home or dine out?

对话 A: Shall we eat at home or dine out? 我们在家吃还是出去吃?

B: Let's dine out today. 今天出去吃吧。

❹ 我很饿。I am very hungry.

同类表达 I can eat a cow.

I'm ravenous.

❺ 我想随便吃点儿。I want to grab something to eat.

对话 A: It's so late. Let's grab something to eat outside. 太晚了,咱们出去随便吃点儿吧。

B: It's too early to eat outside. It's just six o'clock. 去外面吃饭太早了,现在才六点。

❻ 我给你烤了香肠。I grilled sausages for you.

对话 A: I grilled sausages for you. Come to have a taste. 我给你烤了香肠,来尝尝。

B: I'm coming! 这就来了!

❼ 我不想吃牛排。I don't feel like eating steak.

同类表达 I don't care for eating salad now. 我现在不想吃沙拉。

My stomach hates me. So I don't feel like eating steak now. 我胃不舒服,所以不想吃牛排。

❽ 我想我们没有食物了。I think we are out of food.

对话 A: What do we eat tonight? 我们晚上吃什么?

B: I think we are out of food. 我想我们没有食物了。

A: Let's buy some. 咱们去买些吧。

❾ 又吃面条啊。Noodles again.

对话 A: Noodles again. 又吃面条啊。

B: You can do yourself or eat them. 你可以自己做,要么就吃这个。

❿ 我完全不知道吃什么。I don't have any idea about what to eat.

对话 A: What shall we eat? 我们吃什么?

B: I don't have any idea about what to eat. 我完全不知道吃什么。
