Scene 179 厨房设备(在线收听

Scene 179 厨房设备

❶ 这个碗可以放在微波炉中加热。This bowl is microwave-safe.

同类表达 It's safe to heat food with porcelain plates in microwaves. 用瓷盘在微波炉中加热食物是安全的。

❷ 把它放在微波炉里加热五分钟。Put it in the microwave for five minutes.

对话 A: How long should I put it in the microwave? 我要把它放在微波炉里加热多久?

B: Put it in the microwave for five minutes. 把它放在微波炉里加热五分钟。

❸ 你有电动搅拌机吗?Do you have an electric beater?

对话 A: Do you have an electric beater? 你有电动搅拌机吗?

B: You can find it in the cupboard. 你可以在橱柜里找到它。

❹ 你能帮我把这些餐具放进洗碗机吗?Can you help me put the dishes into the dishwasher?

对话 A: Can you help me put the dishes into the dishwasher? They are too heavy for me. 你能帮我把这些餐具放进洗碗机吗?它们太重了。

B: Of course. 没问题。

❺ 你可以用纸巾擦拭灶台。You can wipe the cooking bench with tissue.

对话 A: You can wipe the cooking bench with tissue. 你可以用纸巾擦拭灶台。

B: It's too greasy. 太油了。

❻ 电磁炉能帮忙做饭。Induction cooker is helpful for cooking.

对话 A: How can I cook without gas? 没有天然气我怎么做饭呢?

B: Induction cooker is helpful for cooking. 电磁炉能帮忙做饭。

❼ 我用电饭煲做米饭。I cook rice with a rice cooker.

同类表达 I can cook rice if I have a rice cooker. 如果有电饭煲我就能做米饭了。

❽ 用烤箱烤五分钟。Turn on the oven for five minutes.

❾ 我忘了开油烟机。I forget to turn the ventilator on.

对话 A: What's going on here? So smoky. 怎么啦?这么多烟。

B: I forget to turn the ventilator on. 我忘了开油烟机。

❿ 用电动搅拌机将食材充分混合。Use an electric mixer to fully mix the ingredients.

对话 A: Can you give me a hand? 你能帮我一下吗?

B: Sure. 当然了。

A: Use an electric mixer to fully mix the ingredients. 用电动搅拌机将食材充分混合。
