Scene 203 化妆品(在线收听

Scene 203 化妆品

❶ 你应该选择一款适合的洗面奶。You should choose a suitable facial cleanser.

❷ 我是混合型肌肤。I have combination skin.

对话 A: I have combination skin. Do you have anything good for me? 我是混合型肌肤。你们有什么适合我的产品吗?

B: I suggest you use this one. It suits combination skin. 我建议你使用这款。它适合混合性肌肤。

❸ 这款爽肤水可以缓解你的皮肤问题。This toner can release the problem of your skin.

❹ 这款能遮住雀斑和痘痘吗?Does it cover the freckles and pimples?

对话 A: Does it cover the freckles and pimples? 这款能遮住雀斑和痘痘吗?

B: Sure, it works very well. 当然,这款非常有效。

❺ 它能提亮肤色。It can brighten your skin tone.

对话 A: How about this one? 这款怎么样?

B: It can brighten your skin tone. Try it. It will make perfect complexion for you. 它能提亮肤色。试一下。它会使您的气色非常好。

A: OK. 好的。

❻ 这种妆看起来很自然。This makeup looks very natural.

对话 A: This makeup looks very natural. 这种妆看起来很自然。

B: You could try it. 你可以试试。

❼ 这种粉底可以完美遮瑕。This foundation helps hide any skin imperfections.

同类表达 This foundation suits you very well. 这种粉底非常适合你。

❽ 这种乳液真能让我的手柔软。This lotion really makes my hands soft.

对话 A: This lotion really makes my hands soft. 这种乳液真能让我的手柔软。

B: Take it. It's really good for you. 买吧。这真的有用。

❾ 这款面霜能为你的皮肤提供水分和必需的营养。This cream can provide

moisture and essential nutrients to your skin.

对话 A: This cream can provide moisture and essential nutrients to your skin. 这款面霜能为你的皮肤提供水分和必需的营养。

B: OK, I'll take it. 好的,我就要这个了。

❿ 哪种颜色的口红适合我?What shade of lipstick matches me?

这样回答 I think pink matches you best. 我觉得粉色和你最配。
