Scene 289 旅行感受(在线收听

Scene 289 旅行感受

❶ 觉得这次旅行怎样?How was the trip?

同类表达 Did you have a good time? 玩得还开心吗?

这样回答 I feel tired but I had a great time. 我累坏了,但是玩得很开心。

It was amazing! 太棒了!

❷ 当地人既友善又大方。The locals are friendly and generous.

同类表达 People there are really different. 那里的人们真的很不一样。

Most people we met there were friendly. 我们在那里遇到的大多数人都很友好。

❸ 你得给大伙讲讲旅行的情况。You'll have to tell us about your trip.

同类表达 We want to hear about your trip.

We want details about your trip.

❹ 这次令你印象最深的是什么?What impressed you most this time?

同类表达 Do you have any bad experiences in this trip? 这次旅途中有没有什么不愉快的经历吗?

这样回答 The local people. 是当地的人。

❺ 我们缩短了行程。We cut the trip short.

对话 A: What are you doing back here? 你们怎么回来了?

B: We cut the trip short. 我们缩短了行程。

❻ 那儿的一切都那么令人难忘。Everything there was so unforgettable.

同类表达 The scenery there was so beautiful that I didn't want to leave. 那儿的风景非常美,我都不想离开。

❼ 旅游给我提供了了解其他地方风土人情的机会。Traveling gives me achance to learn about the customs of other lands.

❽ 它吸引了许多来自世界各地的游客。It attracts a lot of visitors from allaround the world.

同类表达 It was such a wonderful trip. I'm looking forward to the next trip there. 这趟旅行太美妙了。我期待着再次去那儿旅行。

❾ 在你旅游过的这些城市里,你最喜欢哪个?Which of the cities you have visited did you enjoy the most?

同类表达 Out of the cities you've been, which did you enjoy the most?

这样回答 Probably Rome. 可能是罗马吧。

❿ 那个地方真的好美!That place is really something!

同类表达 That place is breathtaking!
