Scene 348 房租(在线收听

Scene 348 房租

❶ 月租是多少?What's the rent per month?

同类表达 How much is the rent? 房租是多少钱?

How much is it per month? 每个月要多少钱?

❷ 我需要付电费吗?Do I need to pay for electricity?

同类表达 Who will pay the electricity bill? 电费由谁付?

对话 A: Do I need to pay for electricity? 我需要付电费吗?

B: Yes. You need to share it with your roommates. 是的,你需要和你的室友分担。

❸ 煤气费包括在房租之内吗?Is gas included in the rent?

同类表达 Is gas covered by the rent? 房租包含煤气费吗?

❹ 租金是每月300美元,包括公共事业费。The rent is $300 a month, plus utilities.

对话 A: How much is the rent? 房租是多少钱?

B: The rent is $300 a month, plus utilities. 租金是每月300美元,包括公共事业费。

❺ 我应该什么时候付你租金?When should I pay you the rent?

同类表达 How should I pay the rent? 我要如何交房租?

这样回答 In the first week every month. 每个月的第一个星期。

❻ 我们可以均摊上网费用吗?Can we pool the network cost?

同类表达 Can we share the water and electricity fee? 我们可以分摊水电费吗?

❼ 有没有管理费或停车费?Is there anything like management fee or parking fee?

这样回答 You have to pay the management fee. 你得支付管理费。

❽ 公寓的租金包括什么?What does the rent of this apartment include?

这样回答 It includes lighting but excludes utilities. 包括照明费用,但不包含水、电、煤气等费用。

❾ 我负担不起。I couldn't afford it.

同类表达 I think it's a little expensive. 我觉得有一些贵。

❿ 我不想超出预算太多。I don't want to stretch my budget too far.

同类表达 The budget for rent is $500 to $800. 租金预算要控制在500到800美元。
