Scene 419 通知(在线收听

Scene 419 通知

❶ 所有成员你都通知了吗?Have you notified all the members?

同类表达 Have you informed Mr. Smith? 你通知史密斯先生了吗?

❷ 我已经发了开会通知的邮件了。I've emailed meeting notice.

同类表达 Everyone has been told. 已经通知每个人了。

❸ 请通知大家会议取消了。Please notify everyone the meeting is cancelled.

同类表达 Please make a phone call to Mr. Smith and tell him that tomorrow's meeting has been postponed. 请打电话给史密斯先生,告诉他明天的会议延期了。

❹ 会议什么时候开始?When will the meeting begin?

同类表达 Please inform all staff members of the meeting time. 请通知全体员工会议时间。

❺ 我们会在哪里开会?Where are we going to have the meeting?

同类表达 Where will the meeting be? 会议会在哪里举行?

这样回答 The meeting will be held at No. 2 meeting room. 会议将在第二会议室举行。

❻ 我来告诉您明天下午两点有一个会议。I've come to tell you about a meeting scheduled for 2 p.m. tomorrow. 

同类表达 The meeting will be held in our meeting room at 2 o'clock this afternoon. 会议将于今天下午两点在我们的会议室举行。

❼ 我已经分别和他们确认过了。I have made sure with each of them individually.

同类表达 Have you confirmed with everybody? 你和每个人都确定过了吗?

❽ 我们已经将会议通知发给每位参会人员了。We have given the participants notice of the meeting.

同类表达 Please give notice of the meeting to all the department managers. 请把会议通知发给所有的部门经理。

❾ 确保所有成员都会收到会议通知。Make sure all the members will receive the notice of the meeting.

❿ 不知我们是否有幸请您参加本次会议?Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting?

这样回答 I'd love to. But I have an important appointment that day. 我很想去,但是那天我有一个重要的约会。
