Scene 493 付款方式(在线收听

Scene 493 付款方式

❶ 你们的付款方式是什么样的?What are the terms of your payment?

同类表达 What about the terms of payment? 那付款方式呢?

❷ 在发货之前需要先交40%的预付款。It requires an advance payment of 40% before delivery.

同类表达 I choose cash payment. 我选择现金付款。

❸ 什么时候要付清余款?When is the balance due?

同类表达 Our terms are cash within three months after the date of delivery. 我公司的付款条件为交货后三个月内支付现金。

❹ 你可以先付预付款,然后在六个月之内付清余款。You can pay the advance, and then the balance is paid off over a period of six months.

同类表达 In view of the small amount of this order, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight. 由于这次订单数量不大,我方准备接受即期付款交单的付款方式。

❺ 我们只接受信用证的付款方式。We only accept payment by letter of credit.

同类表达 L/C at sight is what we request for all our clients. 开即期信用证是我们对所有客户的要求。

❻ Is payment by remittance acceptable?采用汇付方式可以吗?

同类表达 Do you accept sight draft or time bill? 你们接受即期汇票还是远期汇票?

❼ 我们的付款方式如下:季付/月付/年付。Our terms of payment are as follows: quarterly / monthly / yearly payment.

同类表达 Our terms of payment are 30-day credit period, not 60-day credit period. It's customary. 我方的付款期限是三十天,而不是六十天,这是惯例。

❽ 我们既不接受分期付款,也不接受延期付款。We accept neither payment by installments nor deferred payment.

❾ 我们坚持要求预付货款,不接受货到付款。We insist on payment in advance; we can't accept payment after arrival of goods.

同类表达 We insist on cash with order; we can't accept open account. 我们坚持要求订货付现,不接受赊账业务。

❿ 我们的付款方式很灵活。Our payment terms are very flexible.

同类表达 We cannot proceed any further without receiving your thoughts with respect to the manner of payment. 我们如果不了解你们对付款方式的看法,便不能往下进行。
