Scene 500 索赔回应(在线收听

Scene 500 索赔回应

❶ 我们就产品质量问题致以深深歉意。We'd like to express our sincere apologies for the poor quality of the products.

同类表达 We are very sorry for the trouble cause by this delay. 因延误造成的麻烦我们深表歉意。

❷ 我们将赔偿8%,并且在今后为你们提供优惠条款。We will make you a compensation of 8% and give you some preferential terms later on.

同类表达 We are willing to give you an 10% allowance of the next shipment to compensate you for the loss. 我方愿在下批货给你方10%的补偿,以赔偿你方损失。

❸ 抱歉,不过我认为这次的损坏不是我们的错。I'm sorry, but I don't think this damage is our fault.

同类表达 The loss in question was beyond the coverage granted by us. 这些损失不包括在我方承保的范围内。

Our goods are well-examined before shipment. 我们的货物在装运前都是经过严格检验的。

❹ 我们会向货运公司着手申请赔偿的。We'll start a claim with the shipping company.

同类表达 We have no alternative but to file a claim. 我们没办法,只能提出索赔。

❺ 你把损坏情形注明在提货凭单上了吗?Did you note the damage on the bill of lading?

❻ 我们会马上派个人去查看。We'll send a man right out to look at it.

对话 A: There is something wrong with your shipment. 你们的货运出问题了。

B: We'll send a man right out to look at it. 我们会马上派个人去查看。

❼ 我们会立刻调查清楚。We'll look into it right away for you.

同类表达 My apology. We will investigate it immediately. 很抱歉。我们会立刻进行调查。

❽ 货物运输途中受损,故你应该向保险公司索赔。The damage to the goods occurred in transit, so you should make a claim on the insurance company.

同类表达 Your claim, should be referred to the insurance company, as the mishap occurred after shipment. 你们的索赔应交保险公司,因为是运输产生的灾难

❾ 这不是我们的过错,我们没有义务对损失负责任。It's not our fault. We're not responsible for the damage.

同类表达 The loss is beyond your insurance. 这个损失在你们的保险之外。

❿ 我们对你们遭受的损失深表歉意,并且同意赔偿你们8 000美元。We regret for the loss you've suffered and agree to compensate you by 8,000 dollars.

同类表达 We are prepared to offer 8,000 dollars in full compensation. 我们准备出8 000美元作为全部补偿。
