Over the sea and far away She`s waiting like an Iceberg Waiting to change, But she`s cold inside She wants to be like the water,
All the muscles tighten in her face Buries her soul in one embrace They`re one and the same Just like water
Then the fire fades away But most of everyday Is full of tired excuses But it`s too hard to say I wish it were simple But we give up easily You`re close enough to see tht You`re....the other side of the world to me
On comes the panic light Holding on with fingers and feelings alike But the time has come To move along
Then the fire fades away But most of everyday Is full of tired excuses But it`s too hard to say I wish it were simple You`re close enough to see that You`re....the other side of the world
Can you help me? Can you let me go And can you still love me When you can`t see me anymore
Then the fire fades away most of everyday Is full of tired excuses But it`s too hard to say I wish it were simple But we give up easily You`re close enough to see that You`re....the other side of the world Ohh....the other side of the world You`re....the other side of the world To me.
也许从kt的这张脸上我们很难辨认出她拥有1/4中国人的血统,kt的祖母是中国人,而她则从小被苏格兰古镇st. andrew的一个家庭领养,kt的养父母虽经常外出,但kt的童年还算在快乐中度过,而时常从哥哥房间里飘出来的重金属乐,却成为了kt与音乐的第一次接触。 kt年初的首支单曲black horse&the cherry tree的成绩并不算太过显赫,仅排名28,然而我想说也许这样的成绩多半是由于曲风的缘由,随后又放出一首other side of the world,很明显这是kt主动向主流讨好的歌曲,顺利跻身英伦的top 10。 而在伦敦地铁站里kt的大幅宣传海报得以与athlete、chemical brothers等当红乐手一同张贴出,也足以证明初出茅庐的kt,显然已是巨星派头了。