音乐咖啡厅:Lazy Sunday Morning-Songbirds(在线收听


Listen to the ocean I can hear you breathe
bitter-sweet emotion that won't care to leave
pages from the years that lap my memory
laughing through my tears and all comes back to me

Like a lazy Sunday morning
on a hazy summer day
making love to you for hours
as the cloud just flown away

Like a lazy Sunday morning
from once upon a time
got a lazy Sunday morning on my mind

learning how to walk again
before I run
getting used to taking each day as a cause
thinking of the pieces of my hope and feel
longing for another chance to hold you near

Like a lazy Sunday morning
on a hazy summer day
making love to you for hours
as the cloud just flown away

Like a lazy Sunday morning
from once upon a time
got a lazy Sunday morning on my mind


Lazy Sunday morning (lazy Sunday morning)
Lazy Sunday morning (lazy Sunday morning)
Lazy Sunday morning
I just can't
I just can't
I just can't let go

Like a lazy Sunday morning
on a hazy summer day
making love to you for hours
as the cloud just flown away

Like a lazy Sunday morning
from once upon a time
got a lazy Sunday morning on my mind

Lazy Sunday morning (On my mind)
Lazy Sunday morning (On my mind)
Lazy Sunday morning (On my mind)
Lazy Sunday morning (On my mind)...


专辑名称:Wake Up Call (Advance)
Songbirds《Wake up Call》【Pop】
在Paul Lester的“每日之队”的引导下,由Lynette, Flick和Amy三人组成的Songbirds乐队已成为乐坛的一股新生势力。Paul说:“她们可真是才华横溢流行三人组,她们的声音就像最圣洁的阳光,她们魔法般的音乐始终抚慰着你的灵魂。”与众不同的歌喉给了她们创作上的突破,也同时弥补了风格上牵强乐观、哀婉和底蕴不足的缺点,而这样的缺憾绝对只能是吹毛求疵。Songbirds决不会过气——她们的那种“我就是这样,你把我怎么着”的独立的态度一直贯穿她们的首张专辑《Wake Up Call》。专辑的第一首歌《The Weatherman》毫不吝啬的褪去吉他、钢琴、轻鼓的伴奏,而使用简约又不失华丽的三部重唱。这样的设置使得此歌将登上六月4号的单曲第一的宝座(两周后)。当你真的听到这张专辑时,你就不会为Songbirds充满灵感的创作而倍感奇怪,因为幕后还有诸如Joni Mitchell, Eva Cassidy, The Dixie Chicks和Stevie Nicks等人的强力支持。
01. The Weatherman (No Wonder I Feel Blue)
02. Lazy Sunday Morning
03. Wake Up Call
04. Take Me As You Find Me
05. The Only Thing Im Guilty (Of Is Loving You)
06. Got My Hopes Up
07. Show Me A Sign
08. You Speak My Language
09. Butterflies & Rainbows
10. Faith In You
