
  Unit 10 Taxi
  Conversation 1
  Key words and Phrases
  silk market 丝绸市场
  Conversation 1
  Taxi Driver: Yes, sir. Where would you like to go?
  出租车司机:先生, 去哪儿?
  Passenger: Silk market.
  乘客: 丝绸市场。
  Taxi Driver: Is it the one on Xiu Shui Street?
  Passenger: Yes, That’s right.
  乘客: 对, 就是那里。
  conversation 2
  Key words and Phrases
  airport 飞机场
  hour 小时
  make 抵达, 到达 (make it 做得到, 赶得及)
  promise 允诺, 保证
  conversation 2
  Passenger: How far is it from here to the airport?
  乘客: 这儿离机场有多远?
  Taxi Driver: It’s about an hour’s drive.
  Passenger: I need to get there before ten.Can we make it?
  乘客: 我得在10点前到机场, 我们能赶到吗?
  Taxi Driver: I can’t promise, but I’ll do my best.
  出租车司机:这个我不能保证, 但我会尽力的。
  Conversation 3
  Key words and Phrases
  street 街
  change 找头, 零钱
  receipt 发票
  Conversation 3
  Taxi Driver: Here we are. This is Wangfujing Street.
  出租车司机:到了, 这就是王府井大街。
  Passenger: Thank you. How much is it?
  乘客: 谢谢, 多少钱?
  Taxi Driver: 25 yuan, please.
  Passenger: Here’s 30 yuan.
  乘客: 给, 这是30元。
  Taxi Driver: Thank you. Here’s your change and receipt.
  出租车司机: 谢谢, 这是找你的钱还有发票。
  Additional useful expressions 补充常用语
  Vocabulary 词汇
  luggage 行李
  address 地址
  hurry 急忙,匆忙
  in a hurry 匆忙
  turn off 关掉
  radio 收音机
  personal 个人的, 私人的
  belongings 所有物, 行李
  toll 通行费, 路桥费
  fee 费
  include 包括
  fair 车费
  Additional useful expressions 补充常用语:
  Let me help you with your luggage.
  Please take me to this address.
  Can you stop here for a minute and wait for me?
  Can I get off here?
  Sorry, we can’t stop here.
  对不住, 这儿不许停车。
  I’m in a hurry.
  Could you please turn off the car radio?
  Make sure you don’t leave your personal belongings in the car.
  The toll fee is not included in the fair.
