
欧洲顶尖流行电子乐组合Sylver翻唱自ABBA经典歌曲的《Lay All Your Love On Me》,经过重新编曲带给你不一样的听觉体验。

Lay all your love on me-Sylver

i wasn't jealous before we met
now every woman i see is a potential threat
and i'm possessive, it isn't nice

you've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice
but now it isn't true
now everything is new
and all i've learned has overturned
i beg of you...

don't go wasting your emotion
lay all your love on me
it was like shooting a sitting duck
a little small talk, a smile and baby i was stuck
i still don't know what you've done with me

a grown-up woman should never fall so easily
i feel a kind of fear
when i don't have you near

unsatisfied, i skip my pride
i beg you dear...

don't go wasting your emotion

lay all your love on me

don't go sharing your devotion

lay all your love on me
i've had a few little love affairs
they didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce

i used to think that was sensible

it makes the truth even more incomprehensible
'cause everything is new
and everything is you
and all i've learned has overturned
what can i do...

don't go wasting your emotion
lay all your love on me
don't go sharing your devotion
lay all your love on me
(repeat 2x and fade)


欧洲顶尖流行电子乐组合Sylver由女歌手Silvy De Bie与著名DJ兼键盘手的Wout van Dessel组成,自从2000年凭借首张专辑《Chances》风靡排行榜之后,Sylver便成为了欧洲舞曲界一颗冉冉升起的新星。

女主唱Silvy很早就显露出了出众的演唱天赋,纯净的音色和宽广的音域宽是她声音的两大特点,而Wont则擅长幕后,他与欧洲著名制作人Pegi Pnxten共同创作并制作了Sylver专辑中的大部分的歌曲。两人相得益彰的合作一举获得成功,组合在2001年推出的首支单曲《Turn The Tide》在德国一发行即一路攀升至排行榜亚军,并直击欧洲各国排行榜前十。而在比利时本土,它更是一连蝉联数周舞曲榜冠军,Sylver也凭借这首歌曲获得了包括"Dance It"在内的舞曲音乐大奖。他们在2003年和2004年分别发行的《Little Things》和《Nighttime Calls》也取得了同样的成功,并诞生了《Livin' My Life》、《Love Is An Angel》和《Take Me Back》等一系列热门单曲。

伴随着四张专辑取得的骄人成绩,Sylver不仅奠定了欧洲顶尖舞曲组合的地位,也将名声传播到了北美、亚洲、北欧、东欧等各个地区,使他们成为Byte厂牌下最具号召力的比利时艺人。除了合成器及电子鼓外,Sylver也擅长运用吉他、钢琴和其它打击乐器,为其音乐增添了一层与众不同的气质。女主唱Silvy纯净的嗓音与明亮的声线也相当引人注目,如今她已成为了欧洲舞曲歌手中的佼佼者。这张新歌加精选专辑收录了Sylver自出道以来的多首流行金曲,如《Turn The Tide》、《Forgiven》、《Livin' My Life》等。而来自新专辑《Crossroads》的歌曲也绝对能让你过足瘾,其中包括翻唱自ABBA经典歌曲的《Lay All Your Love On Me》,让人再次沉醉于熟悉的旋律中;《Lovesong》赋予了电子乐中难得一见的感性忧伤,在你脑中萦绕不去;《Half As Much》加入的提琴音效让整首歌曲更为流畅,也更增添了乐曲的生动色彩。专辑中还特别收录了历年来的10首MV,让歌迷一饱眼福和耳福。2008年3 月,Sylver将拉开他们为期三个月的首次中国巡演帷幕,届时他们会在包括上海、北京、深圳、广州在内的十大城市带来自己的精彩现场。喜欢舞曲音乐的你,千万不要错过。
