AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-11-25(在线收听

1. A federal jury has the case of Lori Drew, a Missouri mother accused of conspiring with her daughter and an assistant to harass a 13-year-old girl on the Internet, allegedly precipitating the teen's suicide.

2. U.S. Marshals say a suspect in the New Jersey church shootings has been captured in Georgia. The man is accused of driving to New Jersey then shooting and killing his estranged wife and a bystander and critically wounding his wife's cousin.

3. Floods and landslides triggered by several days of heavy rain in southern Brazil have killed dozens of people and driven 22,000 from their homes.

4. The free public restrooms operated by the Charmin toilet paper company in Times Square have been rolled out for another holiday season. The 20 deluxe stalls were inaugurated with a ceremonial first flush by Broadway star Joey Fatone.


1.precipitate: v.

to force someone or something into a particular state or condition or make sth serious happen

2.bystander: n.

someone who watches what is happening without taking part [= onlooker]:

3.inaugurate: v.

to open an event etc for the first time
