新东方在线时时学英语 20070115(在线收听

Part One 你听不懂的

as mad as a hatter 疯疯癫癫毫无理智

Sophia is very clever and intelligent but sometimes she is as mad as a hatter.

Little Mary was frightened by the old man on the street who was as mad as a hatter.

Off the cuff 即席,无准备地

George is appointed to join the English speech contest and he has to deliver a speech off the cuff on that day.

Part Two 你说不出的

---Good morning. Are you waiting for someone?

---Hi. No, I’m just enjoying the morning.

---It is a nice day.

---I love coming here in the autumn. The trees smell so nice, and everything’s real calm.

---I never notice things like that. You know me—life in the fast lane.

---Why don’t you join me for a few minutes?

---I don’t know. I should get a move on.

---Take a load off. It’ll do you good.

---Ok, why not. Here , have a bagel..

Part Three 有趣的故事
