新东方在线时时学英语 20070211(在线收听

Part One 你听不懂的

64,000 dollar question 最重要的问题,最困难的问题

Stephanie always complains about her job. I think the 64000 dollar question is why she puts up with it if she is so unhappy.

We know we didn’t leave the office window open, so the sixty-dour thousand dollar question is ---who did?

Steal someone’s thunder 抢先做别人想做的事,削弱某人的优势

Jerry told his colleague about his idea for the new advertisement and the colleague eventually stole his thunder by writing a similar proposal.

I was going to introduce my talk by giving a brief history of our group but the previous speaker stole my thunder by doing just that.

Part Two 你说不出的

Call it Even;


Chandler:Okay.You opened all the presents without me?! I thought we were supposed to do that together!


Monica:You kissed another woman 莫尼卡:但是你吻了另外一个女人!

Chandler:Call it even?! 钱德勒:所以我们扯平了?!

Part Three 有趣的故事,介词用法的千变万化

They look in at the door. 从门口向屋里张望。

Go out at the door. 从门口出来。

Go in by the back door. 走后门。

The bill for the last month. 上个月的账单。

I saw him go out at the gate of the ocean park this afternoon.


This is the book on Taekwondo. 这是一部关于关于跆拳道的书。

The summer in Hongkong. 香港的夏天。