AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-06-04(在线收听

1.President Barack Obama has set what he hopes is the right tone for his trip to Cairo. There he'll deliver a major speech directed to the Muslim world. During a stopover in Saudi Arabia, Obama said he felt it important to come to the place where Islam began and seek King Abdullah's counsel.

2.Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says he shouldn't have called Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor a racist. But he says he still concerned that she will bring bias to her decisions. Sotomayor is on Capitol Hill for a second set of meetings with senators.

3.Military planes have located more debris from an Air France jet that crashed in the Atlantic. While the first Brazilian navy ship has arrived at the scene, if the voice and flight data recorders were at the bottom of the sea, the search for them will have to wait for a French ship's arrival next week.

4.Nancy Reagan watched as a bronze statue of former President Ronald Reagan was unveiled in the US Capitol. A blue cloth cover was pulled from the seven-foot statue of the 40th president as a crowd packed with Reagan era policymakers looked on.
