万用英语口语句典38 惊叹(在线收听

02.01.14 惊叹
1, Boy.
2, That's news to me.
3, I am hardly to believe my ears.
4, You are kidding.
5, It can't be true.
6, are you out of your mind.
7, It dropped from the clouds. (
8, Are you serious?
9, It's totally unexpected.
10, I never have thought it.
11, I'm surprised.
12, What a surprise.
13, You scared me.
14, This really is a surprise.
15, I'm speechless.
16, I was taken aback.
17, What a nice surprise.
18, You are the last person to do that.
19, I can't believe it.
20, That's extraordinary.
21. Poor thing.